
Future Shop SAVINGS!!!

I saw this ad for Future Shop and had to smirk at the great savings on the iPod they are offering.

Congrats! Take advantage of our great savings of….FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS!

Wowza! It’s so worth making an actual ad for this kind of savings and put it on other sites! I can’t contain my excitement for saving $5. That’s the price…heck I don’t know…five boxes of Kraft Dinner!

All kidding aside, it does seem a little strange that they advertise this considering five dollars doesn’t go a whole of places nowadays. Especially if you are a coffee drinker. How much do coffee drinkers spend in a day? I’m going to randomly pull out a number out of the air and say the average coffee drinker spends $5 a day on coffee.

So for all you coffee drinkers out there thinking of buying an iPod this holiday season…if you miss out on this sale you can just stop drinking coffee for a day and you will still save.

3 replies on “Future Shop SAVINGS!!!”

Ryan… not wanting to sound like a jerk… ok i am sounding like a jerk but I re read your blog… REVIEW _ HELP ( the movie) and I quote….

“So I saved $2 on my Beatles film which isn’t too shabby. It isn’t anything to thank the heavens for, but that’s money in my pocket.”

So why harrang Future shop over $5.00 it’s 150% more than what you saved buying the movie HELP!

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