
Garage Saling (Saleing?)


Deals, watch out!

Saturday, the family headed out for Sierra’s first garage sale out in Vars.  Connie would be proud of us.  While the Great Glebe Garage Sale (GGGS) is a great event to go to, it’s rare to find actual good finds when you are against 10,000 other people!


The Vars garage sale generally has a few good finds but I came out empty this year.  But Mom found a toy car for $5 for Sierra when she is older and she found a ton of puzzles to bring down to Gaspe.  There was also a nice woman named Cindy who loved Sierra so much that she gave us a few items for her, like a pair of shoes!


No garage sale is without it’s share of hot dogs so I treated the family to a good feed of them.  As Mom put it “You always treat us right…either IKEA or garage sale hot dogs!”

Later on in the day, Melissa and Jeff came by for a visit.  Sierra was excited to see some family drop by.


Pro Dad right here.
