
Gatineau Homes in Danger

Read here.

I am feeling horrible for these home-owners out in Gatineau.  Turns out that the amount of snow this year has eroded part of this hill in behind their places to the point where they will need to evacuate the area as it is a public risk.

However, these houses they own are around the $250K mark and so far the Province has coughed up $100,000 and the city of Gatineau is offering $70,000 with the condition that the home-owners never come back for more.

That’s still $80,000 left to cover if they haven’t already paid off that part of the mortgage.  I would hate to be in their situation and I hope that somehow they get reimbursed the full value of their houses.

4 replies on “Gatineau Homes in Danger”

Insurance will not cover a natural disaster! You’ll have to sue the builder, but that will cost mega $$$ and might leave you still holding the bag!

So what you’re saying is that we have to be aware of our surroundings (such as living next to a volcano) before buying a house!

you like the view , beware of the drop!

can you say common sense!I see a big hill behind the house I’m going to buy, I’ll ask ” can I see the engineer’s report on the hill!”

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