
Greatest Bet Ever

I won an incredible bet the other night while Trish, Mike and I were over at Krista’s.  The girls were watching something on TV and I pointed out some guy on a commercial for another show and I said “Hey, that guy used to be in Dawson’s Creek.”  Krista denied my claim which became pretty heated and before you knew it, the gloves were off and the betting was beginning.

I knew I was 100% right so I was pretty imaginative in my betting.  I forget what I laid down in the process but it doesn’t matter as I won the bet.

In the end, I am receiving one case of beer as well as one lunch per week for the next FIVE YEARS while we are working in the same building.

Krista knows that I am probably moving to another building deeper into Gatineau in the next two months so she has nothing really to worry about but I made sure to throw in the next five years as part of the bet since you never know where our paths will cross again.

Betting makes for a wonderful time.  I cannot wait to see what she brings me as she usually has some great leftovers.