
Growing the ‘Stache

P1010562, originally uploaded by palm0014.

At thirty years old, I figured it’s time to realize that I will never be able to grow the full beard so I should accept what the good Lord has given me and let it grow.

With that in mind, I started growing a goatee. While I have grown one in the past or let a moustache grow also, it has never grown to this length before. Here’s the only recent picture I could find that gives an indication of how it looks.

Here’s some thoughts that have been crawling through my brain concerning growing the facial hair:

– It is a pain to get used to the fact that food will automatically cling to the hair even more so than to your skin while eating.
– When it gets to the point that I can chew on the hair growing on my lip, is it too long?
– What is too long? I want to grow a turn of the century moustache where I have to wax it. That would be awesome. I’m not sure how I go about this considering I trimmed it yesterday so it didn’t cover my lip. Is the trick to simply trim around the bottom of the ‘stache/top of the lip and let the rest grow out? Then will it get to the length where I can wax it?

I am enjoying this experiment and Vero was all for it at first but she does think it is quite annoying at this stage in its growth. I also scare her with the prospect of eventually getting rid of the goatee portion and simply having the moustache. I think that will be the eventuality as I think hair should be not something to be ashamed of, but to be proud of!

5 replies on “Growing the ‘Stache”

ummm….I think you’re forgetting about some sweet sweet photos that I took of you which give an excellent look at the goatee. In particular, the beaver.

I find it funny that you mention the following two points in the same entry:

“At thirty years old, I figured it’s time to realize that I will never be able to grow the full beard so I should accept what the good Lord has given me and let it grow.”

“I think that will be the eventuality as I think hair should be not something to be ashamed of, but to be proud of!”

So…are you proud of what facial hair you do manage to grow or are you ashamed of what you cannot grow????

On another note, why do you look so angry in this picture? Especially when Vero is looking particularly joyful.

Since I’ve been in the “beard” club for a while, I’ll first say “welcome aboard!”. Personally I don’t like when the facial hair can be chewed on and it gets trimmed. If I was to grow the “stache” so I could wax it I’d trim the area around the mouth , but leave the ends grow.

read this article for clarification on what is a beard;

P.S. I’ve never had much problem with my beard, try opening the mouth wider when eating!

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