
Hail To The Bus Driver

Friday was a honey of an o day which made Krista and I decided to head to the Elephant and Castle for a few drinks after work. I enjoy the Elephant and Castle, mainly for it’s excellent proximity to the Rideau Centre (aka, it’s right there). After a few drinks and discussing life in general, I had to hightail it to Vero’s place as she was making supper (awwww yeah!).

Let’s backtrack to the crazy Friday afternoon I had and I couldn’t really have the time to check out my emails. I quickly scanned one from Vero to Mike which had bus directions to her place. I recall seeing the 16 and the 3 bus going to her place. I discussed this with Krista and she mentioned that the 16 may go out near Vero’s place but she wasn’t sure.

Fast forward to me coming outside to the bus stop, looking for the map and lo and behold, the #16 bus was there and was about to take off! Rather than waiting 30 minutes for another one, I hopped on board. The time is 5:45PM. I am due at Vero’s by 6PM.

As the bus snakes it’s way through random neighbourhoods, I realize this must be the bus Vero was commenting was VERY SLOW in getting to her place. No worries, I had some music and a book to keep me company.

I look up when the bus driver yells out “Last stop!”. What the heck? Last stop? I’m at the hospital somehow, nowhere near Vero’s pad! I ask the bus driver what’s happened and he says I had to get the #14, not the #16! Doh! Time: 6:20PM.

At this point, I had to hoof it back on two other buses to get to her place around 7PM. Talk about fashionably late! Vero, being the kindred spirit she is, was very nice about my ordeal on the bus and we sat down to have some amazing chili and veggies. YUM!

Case in point – No matter how much time you think you will save by taking a gamble on hopping onto a bus, it won’t save you much time if it brings you an hour out of your way.

Anyhow, the night went well after that. We headed out to MIFO where we caught an Improv game where Vero’s roommate was substituting for a team. It was a good time and I was surprised to see people drinking alcohol at the event! I had only gone to one match before and that was in the afternoon. This was a packed place on a Friday night. I find that Improv is a hit and miss. Sometimes you see some real hot teams and sometimes…not so much. I think you need a lot of practice together as a team to be really good at Improv.

I’m hoping that one day I’ll get to see Vero substitute at a game which would be great!

iplaying: (Can’t Stop) Me, I’m Not – Halo33 – The Limitless Potential