
Happy Birthday!

For Vero’s birthday, I decided to make a scavenger hunt for her considering she’s stuck at home all day long.  I thought the clues were fairly simple but I knew I also threw in a couple of zingers as well that would throw her off the scent and keep her entertained all day long.

A good crew at supper.

The one that she really got stuck on was something that said “I am found at Newton’s science experiment.” and I meant her to find it near an apple tree.  Now, yes, I realize that I should have been specific with the wording and said something like “I am found where Newton’ had a scientific discovery.” considering the apple fall onto him and it’s not like he was performing an experiment at the time.

However, I had NO idea that one of Newton’s science experiments was that of refracting light through a prism, much like the album cover of Dark Side of the Moon!  I received an email during the day with her saying how she was looking through my rock and roll t-shirts and my cd cases and I had NO idea why she was doing that because I had no idea that Newton did this light experiment!  I had a good laugh when I got home to hear this story.

Mom and Sierra with one of Vero’s gifts.

Mom and Dad dropped by for a visit in the meantime and helped Vero figure out the rest of the clues.  The clues were all originally written down on a photo of Sierra which was then cut up so she could assemble the puzzle.  She didn’t even notice this until I showed her that night!  I guess when you are on the hunt for clues, you just assume the clues are written on scraps of paper!

This was the photo before slicing it up into six pieces.

Vero and Martin dropped by for a birthday supper as well and it’s always a good time seeing them.  I think Vero had a good birthday and Sierra always likes seeing people around.

Mom and I peeling tomatoes.

Over the next few days, we also took advantage of the harvest and decided to make some salsa along with some dill pickles.  I have to say that it was an interesting experience and I hope to do so again next year when my parents come back from Gaspe!  A note for next year: Do not be afraid to put more cayenne peppers into the mix.  I severely misread the scoville unit scale and instead of dicing up three peppers, I probably could have been good with the twenty from the garden.  That spicy salsa is not spicy!

Dad babysitting while the hard work was being done!

Dad stirring the mixture the day after the tomatoes were prepped.  Good thing I had those beer making pails!

This food processor saved me from a life of slicing and dicing manually.

Vero inspecting the operation.

I love the look of the pepper I snuck into one of the pickle jars!

A good visit with the parents.