
Happy Birthday Carrie!



Well I’m sure you all know my friend Carrie.  She is the wild child who is never really satisfied unless there is a Labatt 50 in her hand.

All kidding aside, we all know that Carrie and I met through my friend Rob and a bond over beer, obsessions with obscure movies (FUBAR, Soul Plane) and our love for Kraft Dinner cemented our friendship.

When she got a job in Ottawa, I quickly offered up the option of crashing inside the dungeon which was our basement at Bayshore.  She said she would be there a maximum of 6 weeks.

Six months later, she was talking about moving out with her friend Michelle and I decided to tag along.  Moving into a place with two women was…interesting, but Carrie kept me sane along the trip and it was fun to hang out with her 24/7.  Of course, most of those hours were spent at the Heart and Crown and not at our own house!


Anyhow, this shouldn’t be a recap of our life together, but what Carrie means to me.  Carrie has been a kind friend to me and in some ways, she is the female version of me (except her taste in music is horrible) and she understands what I value in life – to have a good time.  That’s what makes us click together.  Plus, as a bonus, as she gets older, she still hasn’t gotten uglier.  That’s an amazing feat.


But really, I love her.  She’s the best friend any one of you can have and you’re lucky because she doesn’t just reserve that friendship to just me.  She spreads it out to anyone who’s worthy.

Here’s to you old-timer.  I’ll see you tonight with a beer in hand.  And a gift.  That’s right.  A gift.

5 replies on “Happy Birthday Carrie!”

Happy Birthday Carrie! I have to say, I am a little disappointed that Palmer didn’t provide any pictures of you in your spring bling outfit, which was absolutely rockin. :o) Hope you have a fab day.

Have fun tonight Carrie! Which I’m sure you will. What can go wrong when you have beer and The Palmer at your birthday!?…well..

Happy birthday! 😉


SOOOOOOOOOO much can go wrong with the Beer & Palmer package just ask Mike L…


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