
Happy Birthday Carrie!

On this beloved day, I figured I would share with you some of my favourite memories of Carrie.  We miss you a lot and I know you are loving Germany, but it will be great when we get to see you again.

First up…FUBAR…my life was changed when you introduced me to this movie on a Saturday morning at Bayshore:

Let us not forget Fubar 2, which I have never actually watched with Carrie, but we all know is fantastic:

My love of Carrie knows no bounds, and I would have to say that Barcelona was the highlight of the Eurotrip.  Especially after a long day of biking:

But the Italians made up for it:

HOPE Volleyball is always a blast when Carrie brings out a billion of her friends to the event.  Here she is running away from them:
And let us not forget the Series:

She is also fantastic in the way that she allows me to be part of her family:

On this, your birthday, I want to say that you brighten all our lives and I hope the following video brightens yours.  Happy Birthday Carrie.