
Happy Birthday Joe!

P1040738, originally uploaded by palm0014.

There are way too many birthdays to keep track of around the month of March.

We all know Joe. There’s not much to say that hasn’t been said before…gentleman, good humour, great looks…wait…sorry, I thought we were talking about me here!

All joking aside, Joe is the man who introduced me to the concert scene in Ottawa. I still remember the first time we went to Barrymore’s and I stood outside in -40 degrees for 30 minutes and finally I went inside and found out he had been in there all the time!

We have definitely seen our fair share of concerts as well as a few times out at the cottage. Let’s be honest…college buddies are a different breed but I’m sure glad that this college buddy ended up being one of the best buds a guy can have and one who I email every day or so…even if it’s a little jab towards his mother, it’s still keeping in touch.

Luckily for Joe, he’s got a great lady and just purchased a house so he’s living the good life. All he needs now are some skills on the guitar because whatever he possesses now seems more like a curse!

Cheers mate.

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