
Happy Birthday Krista!

P1040503, originally uploaded by palm0014.

My dear friend Krista turns 29 today (although I have a sneaking suspicion that it is really 30, but whatever). Krista is one of those rare gems of a friend that you don’t grow tired of. I probably see her more during the day more than anyone else and that’s because she works in the same building as I. We’re talking each break and lunch are spent together generally and there’s usually no lull in the conversation. When there is, we just realize that the next day will be better and it’s nothing to worry about. Plus, she’s a great euchre player when she actually remembers what was called Trump.

She also has a great taste in cars as she has a Mazda3 which is a slick vehicle. Although, she hates driving herself…more often than not, I am stuck driving her wheels around town if we want to head somewhere.

The funny part about wishing her a happy birthday on this site is the fact that she will never see this entry as she gave up reading my website long ago (so she says! Yeah right!) because she found that every time we would go for a break, I would talk about something that was already on the blog and she realized it was happening in double time for her, so she cut one out. Makes sense in a way. I have a tendency to be passionate about a story but forget who I’ve told it to and in the end, she ends up hearing it 17 times at work.

We’re going to check out the new Clock Tower Pub location down in the Market this Saturday in case anyone wants to come wish her a happy birthday!