
Happy Birthday Vero!

14 replies on “Happy Birthday Vero!”

Oh Baby! You’re so sexy! I can’t wait to celebrate your birthday! Hugs and kisses from your true lover! Happy Birthday!

Oh to se so young and full of life,,,, wait I am old and full of it !!! not the same thing… Have a great day Make him PAY !! big time take you to a wonderful sensous dinner romantic dance club .. shower you with gifts rose petals wine and a massage !!!!.. and then tell Ryan about it hahaha JK have a terrific day !!!
Gary & Lois

Happy Birthday Véro. If Ryan is like his Dad, it won’t be too romantic! Sorry, Ryan, prove me wrong. Hope you have a nice day. Scott & Sue

Happy Birthday Veronique, Hope that Ryan showed his TRUE romantic self and serenaded you. Love from Nanny Ruth

DETAILS…. We NEED DETAILS of what Ryan did, gave or whatever …. hahaha we have to see if it is better than his father would do … Scottie… there are books and lessons available

Thanks everyone! Oh, I had an awesome birthday! Thanks to everyone that came and celebrated with me!

To answer the question about Ryan, I’m actually very surprised that most of you think Ryan is not romantic!! Wow! I just have to say that he must have learned from you Sue, or from Scott’s mistakes!! He he 😉

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