
Happy Canada Day!

We had a great time on Canada Day.  We started off the day by heading over to the Vars Canada Day celebration where we stumbled into pretty well everyone we know in the community!  It helps that Vero is on the community association.

There were a bunch of bouncy castles set up and a fire truck where Vero insisted that she get a picture.  I convinced her that she should bring her daughter into the photo as well!

Future firewoman!

I also had my first ever Pogo.  Yes, yes, I know…how could I not have a pogo until I was 37 years old?  Hey, I’m in no rush to try out everything on this planet.  I have to say it was pretty darn tasty.

Later in the afternoon, Mike, Melanie and Max showed up with Melanie’s parents and we walked around the park for a bit.  The kids were gracious enough to allow Mike and I to have a beer as well!  Although I have to say that Budweiser was an interesting choice of beer on Canada Day!

Best buds or mortal enemies?  Only time will tell.

Anne-Marie and Evan showed up just in time for it to pour rain for pretty well the rest of the afternoon.  At least they postponed the fireworks until the next day!  That’s a smart move.  We hung around inside for the evening and played some tunes.  Vero and I also introduced Sierra to the neighbours which was a great opportunity to meet them all.

Only apple juice was drank for this photo.

Sierra belting out some CCR tunes.

With the fireworks cancelled for the night, we decided to put on the film Labyrinth as it one of Vero and her sister’s favourites.  We did have a scare with Sierra that evening though when Vero spotted her flailing her arms and legs around.  She went to check her out and her lips were blue and her face beet red!  Vero went into instant first aid training mode, trying to figure out what was wrong.  Luckily we figured out that she was severely blocked up with mucus and we got that out of her right quick and she was back to normal.  Whew.  Quite the scary experience when you notice your kid not breathing!  We’re not sure why there was a massive amount of mucus built up like that…it could be something that built up over the weeks, or perhaps it was being outside for the most she has ever been in a day.  I guess we’ll never know.

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