
Highway Hypotheticals

When we’re on the road for a long trip, Highway Hypotheticals come into play. I can’t recall who coined this term, but I’m sure it was during one of the numerous trips with Carrie and Philipp.

A Highway Hypothetical consists of posing a hypothetical situation to the car inhabitants. The more risqué the better. Controversy is a must during a long car trip.

The trip back down from Kapuskasing was fraught full of Highway Hypotheticals. Some of the faves that came up were:

  • Would you sleep with someone for $1M without having the chance to discuss with your partner?
  • Would you rather live in the Star Wars universe or the Star Trek universe? (Please note that Vero came up with this geeky question!)
  • If you could enhance your body with cybernetic implants, would you?
  • Would you place a GPS tracking unit inside the body of your child?

As you can see, fun questions all around! There are always the classics such as:

  • What sense would you choose to lose?
  • Arm or a leg?
  • Blind or deaf?
  • Death by drowning or burning? Yes, yes, sometimes we get pretty morbid but it’s interesting to see what people would answer!

The next time you’re on a long roadtrip, implement the Highway Hypothetical game and there is guaranteed fun, as long as there are some people who can actually contribute some good questions!

9 replies on “Highway Hypotheticals”

I’ve got a good question for your next trip. I’ve been anxious to see what people have to say about this highly controversial scientific “advancement”

Put on your thinking caps… it’s a doozy…

You or your partner, wife, sister, friend is pregnant, she finds out the baby will be born with Trisomy 21 (Downs syndrome)

The doctor gives you three options,
– Abort the pregnancy
– Continue and have a child with Down syndrome
– Genetically engineermodify the baby’s DNA to rectify the anomaly (yes it can be done, there was a little girl born recently who’s mother underwent the procedure and she is a “normal” child-no Downs)


From what the discussions were in the car yesterday, 2 out of 3 participants voted to either abort, or fix any handicap.

this is a fantastic game. And that is one hell of a tough hypothetical question.

I will use this game in the future.

Can I also note that Sammy mentions a sister in the category of whom may be pregnant? What’s going on there?

Your game sounds like a form of game we play here at the OPP when there is nothing going on at 4:00 am…just to keep everybody awake.
We like to call it Which Is Worse.

You can only choose one option.

Here’s a couple of examples:

Which is worse?

Being stuck on a desert island alone…or Being stuck on a desert island with your worst enemy?

Having terrible diarreah and not be able to stop it for eternity…or Having terrible constipation and not be able to go for eternity?

It leads to some pretty interesting conversations.

Would you get relief after having the diarrhea? At least for that mere moment in time?

Pick a topic…..then try to relate the choice of topic to something in your life and tell a story…..true story not the huge void of fiction that exists in a crainium such as yours young man …

Just to clarrify something, I DID NOT ASK THE STAR WARS/STAR TREK QUESTION!!!!

Ha! Pretty interresting Troy. We shall play that next time!

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