
Hot Chicken Sandwich Premonitions

The brain works in mysterious ways. It is also faster than a speeding bullet.

Yesterday when I walked in the lobby of Vero’s residence (sadly, I won’t be seeing that place much longer, the summer term is arriving soon!) I sniffed a heavenly scent of the gravy which you put on your hot chicken sandwiches.

Mmm boy! This automatically placed the following trail of thoughts into my head:

“Boy, I wish I could have a hot chicken sandwich right about now.”
“Hmm…I wonder if Vero would be making a hot chicken sandwich right now?”
“I don’t think she’s made one before for me so I would be satisfied with a poutine instead as she has made those before.”
“Wait, I think I had a hot chicken sandwich at her grandmother’s place in Saint-Jacques-des-Leeds.”
“I really love that place. It was a beautiful town in Quebec with mountains all around. I really think it was the cats meow.”
“You know, I should buy a house and retire there. Hmm…maybe I could buy a house now and have her cousins rent out the place.”

All these thoughts triggered into my brain in the span of 100 meters from the lobby to Vero’s door. It is amazing how many random thoughts you may have in a short time period. I wish there was a device (like in the sci-fi movies) that may record the images you see in your brain and track how fast they move.

Lo and behold I walk into Vero’s place and find a HOT CHICKEN SANDWICH BEING MADE! This blew my mind. Then I rambled off what I was just thinking about to Vero and was telling her how (even though highly improbable) the smell of the gravy has traveled all the way through the residence to the lobby and that’s how I was thinking of the hot chicken sandwich.

So then I got to thinking about premonitions and if somehow they can trigger your nose also and then whatever you are thinking about…you actually think you smell it! I must admit it was a surreal thought but in all honesty, it’s the more likely one as Vero’s residence is pretty vast and it’s really hard to believe that 100 meters and three doors later, the smell of hot chicken gravy was wafting through the halls. Unless her fan was directly linked to the air supply in the lobby somehow – much like how Carrie’s old place had a fan that connected the bathroom to the kitchen. That was lovely.

So that’s that. I had a lovely supper as it always is. I was laughing with Vero at the fact that I hate peas, but you gotta have them with a hot chicken sandwich. It is sacrilege not to!

One reply on “Hot Chicken Sandwich Premonitions”

I’ve never had a hot chicken sandwich! It looks and sounds delicious *hint*hint*vero* hehehe 🙂

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