
House Hunt – Excursion #2

Sunday afternoon, Mike came over for a few bevvies while we watched the Olympics biathlon trial. I had a hard time believing him that they can finish a 15km course in about 30 minutes but lo and behold, it was done. Dang, those guys ski faster than I used to bike to work!

Rob then dropped by and Mike, Vero, Andreane and I hopped into the van to head out to Navan to check out a house I had my eye on. It was an…interesting listing. In that it said that it was a low price due to the outstanding renovations needed to the place. The pictures looked decent so I wondered what really needed to be done. Here is the listing so you can take a look:

We arrive and walk in and I’m thinking it’s not all that bad. But it is once you start walking through and realizing all the little things that need to be finished but more importantly, the shoddy craftsmanship of the work that has already been done! My favourite example of this is the fireplace in the basement which doesn’t have a chimney, but some form of insulated flexible piping system for the smoke to go up into. Hmm… There were also other questionable design elements such as the two bedrooms which shared the same fireplace so you could technically see into the other room if you just looked through the fireplace!

In the end, we said goodbye to that pad. The area was quite lovely though…exactly what Vero and I are looking for…a quiet street, some privacy, etc. But it wasn’t meant to be.

We were driving through Orleans and saw another open house sign so the six of us decided to drop in to take a look. Now, I’m going to put it out there right now…I think all open houses should have the price listed on the sign outside. Because otherwise, we may be wasting your time. So for example, if I would have known that this house was selling for $575K…I probably wouldn’t have bothered this individual! But here we were taking a look inside and in the end I said “Well, I think it’s a little big for us at this moment” but really I didn’t like his backyard. He did say “I figured as much” and I’m not entirely sure what he meant by that. Either way, we went on our way and that was the end of Excursion #2.

As stated before, we’re just going around places to see what they have to offer so we can form a clear picture of what we want. Unfortunately, we didn’t get much inspiration from either of these places other than the fact that the first place let me know what I *don’t* want!