Upon research (let’s be honest here…my main friend The Dish), I have determined that a good way to reduce cholesterol is to eat oatmeal.
So it’s Day 3 on eating oatmeal in the morning. So far, so good. I can’t say it’s amazing, but it’s not bad either. I think I shall try the apple flavour kind next.
My main issue with the oatmeal is the fact that I have to slot in some extra time to eat it in the morning. If you don’t know the Palmer’s morning habits, it consists of waking up at 6:10, showering, getting dressed, eating breakfast and making lunch…all in time to get out the door by 6:45. I like to consider myself a machine. There is no room for error in my morning lifestyle.
So now I have to wake up at 6:00 to accommodate the prep/eating of the oatmeal. Am I whining about this? Well, 10 minutes a day is a little thing to bicker about when I’m talking about my health. So I suppose I don’t mind TOO much. I’ve come to discover the A-Channel Morning Show which is quite enjoyable for 10 minutes.
I also figure I should prepare myself for the eventual introduction of children in my home (warning: not for a long time!) and the fact that no matter how much I love to have a morning process, it just won’t happen somedays so I better get used to it.
9 replies on “I Heart Oatmeal?”
Baked Apple Oatmeal is the best but I can’t find it anywhere anymore.
Peaches and Cream is the way to go! Apple and cinnamon would be a close second!
Cream of wheat is another great morning treat!
I suggest getting an electic kettle with automatic shutoff and one of those outdoor timers, that way your water can boil as your showering and the oatmeal can be ready without disrupting your normal routine.
Also found this site, http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cholesterol/CL00002
bah doesn’t quite work like I wanted it to
this will work better
i’m more of an old fashion oatmeal eater…like cook it on the stove and add brown sugar and milk….mmm delish…Danny goes for the maple brown sugar instant kinda…I don’ t like the instant oatmeal…way to stay on top of your health Ryan!!
Thanks for the link Matt. Always interesting to read these articles but frustrating at the same time because I eat all of that stuff (well , not the oatmeal) and I still have high cholesterol. So we’ll see what happens in the future!
Mmmmm Apple and cinnamon!!
Sorry to mess up with your routine in the morning when I’m sleeping over babe… I’m probably bursting your bubble. Thanks for being patient.