
I Saw The Future

Right before I woke up this morning I was dreaming a dream which can only be described as one which inventors must haveā€¦a glimpse of the insane future where the things you see can only come from Star Trek.

I’m just writing about this to document the event so in the future when it comes out I can say “Hey, I dreamt of that one night on Hallowe’en!”

I was sitting down in some type of theatre, or maybe the Scotiabank Place. Think – the floor with some seats. Right in front of me was Matt showing me a picture he just took on his digital camera.

The things is, the camera screen was huge. Think about a laptop (tablet version) but double that size. So here he is holding up this giant screen for me to look at this picture, but as soon as he’s done, he pushes on the sides and the thing shrinks to the size of a laptop and he goes to take a picture with it.

Now, if you visualize this, you have to admit that hauling around something the size of a laptop to take a photo is ludicrous, but the idea of this invention where you can expand your screen just by pulling on the sides and then shrinking it by pushing on its sides was pretty neat. It’s essentially the concept of zooming in and out on a software application, but in a hardware form.

I thought it was pretty darn neat looking and I hope to see it in the future. Although, not the size of a laptop.

I should also point out that considering this was probably taken in the future, you should be happy to know that Vero was sitting next to me. Which bodes well for her, but not well for me and my quest to date a nuclear physicist.

3 replies on “I Saw The Future”

Mmm…I had more of a vision of something stretching, although this could conceivably power the stretching hardware.

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