
Ice Hockey Needed

I need to borrow a Nintendo cartridge of ICE HOCKEY. It will be returned. Drop me a line if you have one I can acquire.

10 replies on “Ice Hockey Needed”

Yeah but we need the old school controllers, not those bulky Xbox ones!

Ha ha..>Blades of Steel. I can say that I didn’t play it all that much!

Ice Hockey is a challenge compared to Blades of Steel!

definitely thinking about it!

I have no reason to get onto Live anymore so I don’t see why not. Just wondering what cost/work/stuff would be required!

You the guy to talk to about this stuff Matt? Fire me an email at [email protected]

I personally modded my XBox myself, but I heard that Matt’s bro (and perhaps Matt himself) do it for a cheap price. But, that being said, if you enjoy messing around with electronics/computers for an afternoon, you can manage. ESPECIALLY if you get teh same chip and then I can point out that the instructions don’t tell you about another solder point. HOly crap I could have saved myself 4 hours.

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