
For Those About To Rock – Trish, We Salute You

IMG_1715, originally uploaded by palm0014.

*please note that the photo is from Trish’s upcoming album “Out of The Closet”

Last year, the Heart and Crown graced Trish’s birthday. This year…we seek out burgers tonight. Yum!

There’s nothing more I can say about Trish…she’s great, she’s beautiful, she’s caring and she digs sci-fi TV shows, the Blues and Smurfs. She also has a great blog of her own where she provides advice to everyone:

Take a trip through Memory Lane to see what happened in years gone by around her birthday:

Other than that, all I can say is that I hope you have an amazing birthday tonight and I want to let you know that you’ll never get another gift from me that is cooler than the Chuck Norris photograph. I’m just saying that so you don’t get your hopes up tonight.

2 replies on “For Those About To Rock – Trish, We Salute You”

Thanks Ryan!

And just to clarify this whole “out of the closet” business, I am not coming out as a lesbian…not that there’s anything wrong with that… :o)

And just because it has been a long time since we’ve had a Chuck Norris fact of the day -“Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.”

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