
In Course

I’m on a week-long course for work and I’m not sure what it’s all about.  I suppose I’ll tell you after I go to it.

So I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock this morning and noticed that it snoozes for nine minutes.  Is that a standard thing or is it different for all alarm clocks?  I’m just curious to see whether or not someone calculated if the ultimate snooze was nine minutes or is it just my particular alarm clock.

I got geared up to work on my Adobe Flash assignment this weekend and discovered that the files I needed were at the computer lab in school.  Argh.

7 replies on “In Course”

I’m the same 9 min. I think it is just the right amount of time to just fall back to sleep and then wake you up!

your answer to the question is…..

General Instruments, one of the first designers of the chip used in LED clocks in the late 60s, set the chip logic to allow a nine-minute delay. Others continue to use this chip or copied the idea without changing the interval (e.g., National Semiconductor’s type MM5370 digital alarm-clock chip…

found at

I’m in a hotel Winnipeg right now and they have a dual alarm clock system that lets you put two diffent wake up times one after the other… I thought it was pretty cool, first time seing that.

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