
In Prep for St. Jean Baptiste

Tuesday morning I was attending a meeting put on by Google to demonstrate their new Google Search Appliance 6.0.

This was my first Google meeting so I was pleasantly surprised to see that I received a t-shirt, a pen and a notebook for attending this event. The subject matter was interesting enough…did you know that the Google search appliance runs on 144GB of RAM as well as 15 600GB hard drives to run your internal search? That’s insane. 144GB of RAM? Heck, we common folk manage just fine with 2-3.

Tuesday evening was the eve of St. Jean Baptiste Day in Quebec so we decided to have an impromptu BBQ to celebrate the event. I am fan of impromptuness and gathering up a few fine folks to cook some meat and have a brew or two.

So impromptu was this event that the pork chops I thought I had in the freezer were non existant so I had to get Krista to pick up some on the way. I also may have been out of ketchup which I did not know about (alas, this boy does not use ketchup) so Vero had to go out and nab some along the way.

Hiccups in an otherwise perfect night, with Krista, Ben, Vince and Naomi coming over for an evening of fine dining. Vince wanted to try out his new guitar and he needed an amp to do so. An amp was of course, at Casa Losier so he hooked him up with one. He had quite the nice looking Les Paul model of a guitar. Man, that sucker was heavy! I am trying to remember the make of the guitar but it was something out of the UK. Perhaps Indian Guitars?

The night went over well with Ben helping me out with a lot of the cooking. He is quite proficient around the kitchen and knows all the right spices to put into some food whereas I just put in anything that is around the table. The burgers he crafted were genius!