
Intro to Micro

My first class of Micro Economics was quite the experience.  Vero met me before class and prepared a lovely picnic which we ate in front of the Rideau Canal (which actually has water in it now!).  She even brought my new found favourite food item…olives!  I can’t get enough of them.  Tuna and olives in a sandwich…surprisingly good!

The class itself was heavy duty on the old school ways of teaching…no PowerPoint presentations, only blackboard.  Chicken scratch all over the place…graphs, math equations!  Yikes!  I spent ten minutes trying to figure out how I can make a graph on my laptop.  No such luck.  I will be kicking it old school this summer term and getting some lined paper and pens so I can accomplish everything I need to do!  It looks like a very reading intensive course considering he covered two chapters of materials which I sort of understand but realized that he won’t be speaking about it much more, hence the need to read.  Sigh.

Here’s to the next six weeks in some random math equations!  I haven’t done any math since I filed my taxes and before that, graphs only appeared in my life when I was plotting the number of men vs. women at work (men topped a whopping 7% in 2004 but that’s about it.  I’m sure you’ve seen the pie charts on the Morning Show).

One reply on “Intro to Micro”

Micro *GAG*

Macro economics is really interesting, micro… not so much.

Our teacher used power point presentations, I can fax them to you if you want, the only thing is they are in french. I know the French Micro class at Ottawa U used the same text book as us but I’m not sure about the English edition.

Anyways, something to think about. Let me know.

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