
It’s a girl!

It’s a girl, at least according to the old wives tales available to mankind to use to determine what gender their baby will be.

Last night Vero and I looked up a ton of old wives tales in relation to pregnancy and here is how they all fared.

Carrying high vs. carrying low – Boy

Is the heart rate above 140 bpm – girl

Does Vero have a sweet tooth right now?  – Girl

Chinese Birth Chart (which claims 90% accuracy, wow!) – Boy

Picking up a house key from my hand – Boy

Acne – Girl

Ring over stomach – Boy

Morning Sickness – Girl

Smooth Skin – Girl

Nice hair – Boy

Weight distribution – Boy

Warm feet – Girl

Left breast vs. right breast…which is bigger – Girl

Mood – Boy

Dream – Boy

Preference of sleep position – Girl

No headaches – Girl

Baby names – Girl


Girl: 10

Boy: 8

I’m not going to describe the details of all these tests since they are out in the wild if anyone wants to look it up.  Needless to say, they are fun things to try, but come on…the girl vote squeaked by and I’m sure if we just found more tests we could have made the boy vote squeak by!

Later this night, Vero said the baby was kicking again and I got to feel it for the first time in my life.  What can I say about the experience?  It was very freaky.  When I first saw the heartbeat on the ultrasound monitor, I realized there was something growing inside Vero.  But this hit an entirely different level and I must admit it freaked me out a little knowing that there is now physical contact between Vero, the baby and myself.  It’s a cool feeling at the same time.  But now I feel bad for the kid being stuck in that cramped space for another five months (let alone the feeling Vero must be having during all this time as well!)