
Jean-Francois’s Sushi Birthday

Last night Vero, Mel and I headed to Jean-Francois’ surprise birthday at the Banc Sushi restaurant on Montreal Road. There was a good turnout of people.

Now, as for sushi, I haven’t been known to delve into it too much. I had purchased the vegetarian sushi at work for the sheer factor of frugalness. It filled me up the same as the sushi I would pay more for if it contained crab meat, etc. Now, I’m not a fan of seafood in general and that bodes well for my relationship with Vero as she is allergic to it.

So we didn’t know what to expect at this all you can eat sushi place. We started out with some none-seafood elements but once I saw a tray of assorted sushi plop down in front of Jean-Francois, I partook in the festivities and I must admit that I didn’t really mind it. I guess when it comes to seafood, if it’s wrapped up in rice and seaweed, I guess I don’t really mind it, compared to taking a big hunk of crab meat or lobster into my mouth.

I was getting adventurous and when the boys wanted to order some eel, octopus and other assorted goodies and said “Sure!” but I think there must have been something lost in translation as none arrived for me. There was this really strange eggplant dish that arrived and we swore it was alive. It pulsated. We thought it was live octopus or something.

In the end, I have to say that I’m a fan of the sushi in all forms at this point and wouldn’t mind going for it again. I can’t say that I’m a fan to the point where I would actively seek out a sushi restaurant to eat at, but I wouldn’t pass it up if the opportunity presented itself.

I never did get to see the elusive Red Dragon dish though. We were disappointed that it never showed up.