
Just Keeps Getting Better

When I was at the Loblaw’s Superstore with Krista on Friday night, I was killing time when a man asked me if I wanted to get a bone density test done. Heck, why not?

So it turns out that my calcium intake is great…above my daily recommended intake. Score one for Palmer.

However, when they put my foot into an ultrasound machine to measure my bone density, the pharmacist on hand showed me how the results indicated that my bone density was at 79% of what it should be at my age.

Pharmacist: “You don’t drink enough milk.”
Me: “I have at least one glass a day.”
Pharmacist: “Then you aren’t eating enough yogurt.”
Me: “I have two of those small cups a day.”
Pharmacist: “Well, then it’s your muscle. Do you do muscle exercises? Like push ups?”
Me: “No, I guess I’ll start doing those.”
Pharmacist: “Yes, and eat a lot more yogurt.”

So in the span of two weeks, I have had the following recommendations from medial officials on how to fix me up:

For High Cholesterol: Eat fish three times a week.
For Low Bone Density: Eat more yogurt. Also, do push ups.

It’s just not my week, is it? I mean, I am starting to realize the term ‘ignorance is bliss’ really is bliss. What irks me the most is that I would understand completely if I thought I was unhealthy and eating crap all the time and that was the cause. But no…the doctors can’t really pinpoint a cumulative cause so it seems like they throw out a ludicrous statement like “eat fish three times a week and you will be cured!” and “eat more yogurt!”.

In the end, I depend mainly on my good friend, The Dish, as she has a background in nutrition and can help pinpoint some other ideas of what to eat (such as oatmeal. Yum?).

So we’ll see how the fight for the Aryan species of the Palmer develops…

Other than that, my Friday night was pretty good. I decided I needed an off-night from studying before the gauntlet so Krista came over and we tried out some old school Nintendo games like Lunar Pool (which she claims is the greatest game ever created, but we couldn’t get it to work) and we also ended up watching Grandma’s Boy. Not a bad night at all to relax my brain before the big crunch.

iplaying: Say Goodbye (Live) – Dave Matthews Band – The Best of What’s Around – Disc 2

One reply on “Just Keeps Getting Better”

I’ve seen so far that it is part diet and part exercise. Eat in moderation and more veggies. Exercise will produce good cholesterol which helps fights the bad cholesterol.

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