
Let’s get started, shall we?

New Thundercats cartoon in 2011?

– U2 has postponed their tour! No Montreal date for me this summer. I guess my consolation prize is the fact that I get to see Great Big Sea at Bluesfest instead. Rumour has it they have to order 25% more kegs of beer for the event.

– I’m trying to figure out what the ultimate media center would be for me to purchase when we get the new house. I was leaning towards the PS3…Blu-Ray and Media Center capabilities (albeit fairly archaic ones compared to the XBMC), but now I’m leaning towards a separate Blu-Ray player and a Mac Mini to run all things media. Thoughts?

– Is it wrong that I haven’t started to pack yet?

– After seeing that the moose was loose in Orleans the other day , I’m thinking of bringing the Morning Show back. I think ‘The Search for Jethro’ would be a great spin to the show nine years later. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I suggest you look here.

– I’m just not keeping up with blogging any more.  I need some way to make it entertaining again.

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