

Turns out that if your cell phone company is telling you that the System access fees they charge you ($7-$9) are due to some federal cellphone regulation, then they be plain lying to yo’ face.

My favourite part is when they speak about how it is comparable to buying a radio for $100 and then having them charge an extra $10 JUST BECAUSE. It does make sense when you think about it. The System Access Fee is just more of the monthly cost. Stop running around the point and put it into the monthly fee directly!

I must admit I am jealous of the marketing that went into that one. Genius.

“Gentlemen, let’s just take $7 off of the monthly price and tag it as a SYSTEM ACCESS FEE!”
(round of applause and an instant promotion to that guy who suggested it).

iplaying: Why Part Two – Collective Soul – Blender