
Liberal Blog

*Warning: I am not trying to try and say what political party you should vote for. I’m just going to say the Liberal’s blog is one of the funniest things I’ve read in awhile.*

So Krista sent me a link of the Liberal Party’s blog. The party has a blog? The last time I remember them dabbling in blogdom was when the Prime Minister had his own blog which said stuff like “I ate some Albertan beef today. Yum.” Not too exciting.

Now comes along Scott Feschuk – chief speechwriter to Paul Martin making blog entries of the Liberal party on the road during their election campaign.

I have only read his first entry but I am cracking up. This is quite hilarious and at first, I thought it was a joke. But lo and behold, this thing is for real.

Read the Liberal Party’s exploits on the campaign trail here.

Heck, while you’re at it, why don’t you read Rick Mercer’s blog here. It’s chock full of goodness.

iplaying: Twisted Logic – Coldplay X&Y