
Life of a Technological Caveman – Phone Numbers

I am a technological caveman when it comes to cellphones (Holly calls me this), as in I do not own one.  Unfortunately, this poses a problem when I’m trying to find a phone number.  There’s only a billion places a phone number can be…is it in my contact list at work?  How about on Gmail?  Oh wait, is it in my address book on my Macbook?

Enough already!  They haven’t come up with an all-in-one solution that suits me so I’m resorting to my tried and true method I adopted a decade ago.

It is called a piece of paper in my wallet.  It has everyone’s number on it.  There.  Job done.  Never again will I be calling Carrie for a beer and only remember her cellphone number when I really want to phone her home number.

8 replies on “Life of a Technological Caveman – Phone Numbers”

how many friends do I have? Let me refer to my paper copy of Facebook. 😉

beats carrying around a rolodex LMAO but is there not an electronic address book that is as small as a cell phone that you can keep your phone number list on ?

We just updated our phoned the other day. We had our other one for 5 years. Oh boy….now I can take pictures with this thing that has a whole 5.0 megapixels instead of my camera which has 10!! I guess it is for those wild and crazy moments that we can just whip out the phone and click the pic.
Other than that, we only use it in emergencies.
We got it for our trip so we could text Gary’s sister on the ship if we lost her hahahahahaha

I hear the new thing is not to have a cell phone. The trend is that it is cool that someone can’t get a hold of you!

Oh, so many things to comment about here:

Gary – The thing is, I don’t want another thing in my pocket! I’ve realized that unless it’s a cellphone, I’m not going to carry around an organizer. I’ve realized that my wallet is always with me so if I can fit the ‘phone listing’ in my wallet, problem solved! Thanks for the link though.

Aunt Lois – I can’t believe cellphones now have 5 megapixels. that’s more than my own camera. I also have a cellphone without a plan for emergencies that I leave in the car. But I think I would like a cellphone for pure text messaging reasons. It’s good to find a person in the crowd.

pollcrazy: I am loving the fact that I am inadvertently part of the cool crew now!

eric – You still aren’t cool. Sorry buddy.

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