
Lost Update

lost-logo.jpgI don’t usually talk about TV shows around here because I am one of those people who don’t like to be spoiled but I just watched the most incredible episode of Lost last night….I would say I haven’t been this excited about the show since they opened the Hatch.  So please join me in the comments section for a little discussion (which will definitely be full of spoilers!)


7 replies on “Lost Update”

Alright, the episode I just saw was the one where Desmond goes through a storm cloud and then is time traveling through his consciousness. BRILLIANT! So amazing. It’s adding a whole new point to the story…I am loving it. Especially the point about the ‘anchor’ that people need to keep themselves sane during the time traveling. So will this be explored further in the show? As in…is everyone able to travel as long as they get some radiation in them?

The whole flash-forward thing is intriguing also because it’s allowing you to try and piece together what is going to happen on the island which I am loving as well. Oceanic Six? (insert ominous music here!)

I have to say I was not convinced that I wanted to get back into Lost this season. It was kind of losing my attention. But, these last couple of episodes have totally sucked me back in. This season is just getting better and better!

Well you know who almost all of the Oceanic six are now. So it’s Kate, Siyad (sp?), Jack, Hurley, and Aaron. I’m so stoked about this season!! I love that we found out that Jack and Kate are lying about what happened, the whole only 8 people ever survived the plane crash, nuts!!

Huh, I never thought of Aaron being one of the six but I guess that makes sense. Or does it? Technically he wasn’t on the crew manifest…whatever….I’m going to bank on the fact that whoever wanted to stay on the island, stayed on the island. I’m not sure about Sawyer…I think ultimately he would have stayed so he wouldn’t have been the six.

From what we’ve seen of the flash-forwards, it looks like they left everyone in the dust…that’s the reason some of them want to go back…to help them? or maybe it’s the fact taht their lives are so much better on the island.

Well I thought Aaron was one of the six, because in the episode preview that week, before the episode was aired, it said we’d find out who one of the six were in the next episode. Then in that episode, Aaron was with Kate.

Dow is right- Aaron must be one of the six.

And inter-brain time travel is FTW. Sign me up.

I don’t think Aaron is one of the oceanic 6, as he was born after the crash, and not entitled to any money from oceanic (I take the oceanic 6 as 6 rich people that sued or got a cash deal from oceanic)

Now about Desmond, I want to know if he got off, and got back to Penne

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