
Lynn’s 60th Birthday

Vero and I headed out to Perth, ON after work on Friday to celebrate Uncle Lynn and Greg and Aunt Mariette’s birthdays. Mental note for the future: It does not make much sense to try and get across the city during rush hour on a Friday. Vero and I ended up arriving an hour later than expected!

Other than the fact that Uncle Greg and Aunt Mariette didn’t show up until the day after, we had a lovely time over at Lynn and Sue’s place. It was a smorgasbord of food, nothing too formal about it…which is exactly how it should be when visiting friends and family! We met a few people we had not met before and at one point in the night I was described as being quite similar to Uncle Greg. I took that as a compliment (but I would never let him know that).

After a few munchies (and some amazing boneless chicken wings that Uncle Johnny brought), Lynn and I started a fire and it was a perfect night with the moon and the fire out to celebrate sixty years on this Earth.

SUPER THANKS to Uncle Greg and Aunt Mariette for the wedding gift in the form of a Patterson-made rocking chair! It literally rocks! Ha ha. It’s a really great gift that we already have fallen in love with. I can’t get Vero out of it! Coupled with the amazing blanket that Lynn and Sue made us, I see no reason to leave this one spot in our living room for the rest of our lives.