Ma belle-mère

“Ma belle-mère est meilleure que la tienne!”

Click here to listen to the song.

Making of

Around September 2024, I received a note saying that I picked my mother-in-law’s name for a Christmas gift this year.  We don’t all buy gifts in Vero’s family, we pick names.

I was sitting there thinking about what I could get her and then AMBITION struck and I thought “Hey!  I could write a song for her!”

What was I thinking?!  Such a hard task to accomplish.  But at least I had four months to do it.  Plus, I could back out and just buy something off of Amazon if it didn’t work out.

With creating a song about belle-mères you can really go two ways:

  • Something that talks about how much you don’t like your belle-mère
  • Something that talks about how much you like your belle-mére

Lately I’ve been wanting to shift my songwriting to funnier songs.

I did attempt a song about how much we don’t like belle-mères.  Here’s a lifting of the curtain on my songwriting process:

While I enjoyed the thought of writing a song about how everyone doesn’t like their belle-mère, it didn’t really apply to me because I actually like my belle-mère!

I was having a hard time figuring out where to go next and Véro helped me figure out that I should talk about how my belle-mère is better than others.  Hey, now that’s something I could work with!

I don’t find creating lyrics as a hard task but I do find it hard to come up with a good melody and music for a song.  I just wait for the moment to strike.

AND STRIKE IT DID!  One morning I was taking a walk and figured out the music for the song.  Véro had already come up with the funniest line for the chorus so I was playing around with that along with some music.  Luckily I had my phone with me to record the idea for the music.

Cutting it close…this video was taken a month after my idea for making a song and now I had two months left!

Then I worked a bit on how the music should work on a guitar.  I have no idea why I had to record this in Sierra’s room.  Maybe it was the only spot with some peace and quiet?

Here I am working out how the verse might sound:

Now at this point, it was very clear that I couldn’t cut it at writing french lyrics.  So I asked for Véro and Andréane for some help.  It was a fun exercise…”Come up with lyrics that talk about how good your belle-mère is but how awful their belle-mère is.”  We had a good laugh when we would come up with some good lines.  Some worked, some didn’t.

Here’s an ending I worked out and completely forgot about when recording the song!  Woops!  Haha.  

As you can see when creating a song, I rely on the video camera a lot to remind me of how I sing and play certain parts.  It’s interesting to go back and watch videos to see how some ideas were abandoned or how I sang parts differently here and there.

This final video was pretty much what I envisioned the song to be before I sat down and recorded it.  There were still a few verses that are different from the final version but the song is pretty much there.

Recording notes:

  • Recorded mid-November to mid-December 2024.
  • Recorded acoustic guitar and main vocals via the Tascam L12 mixing board with the Play Acoustic vocal processor attached.  A bit of compression and reverb on the track via the mixing board.  I wish I marked down the settings because it became a pain in the ass to try and re-record a line without that setup!
  • Harmonies were triggered on the Play Acoustic High Low vocal preset
  • Added all other instruments via my new midi controller which was a fun project


Ma belle-mère me canne des bettes

Aussi elle plie Toutes mes bobettes

La tienne a juste Un coeur frette

J’aime passer du temps avec

La belle-mère à watcher Star Trek

Mais avec la tienne c’est comme un

vrai car wreck

Ma belle-mère

est meilleure que la tienne

J’entends dire que la tienne

est une chienne

Elle prend soin

De tous mes besoins

Ta belle-mère a juste l’air

D’un babouin

Ma belle-mère elle m’a à coeur

Elle remplit mon congélateur

La tienne a toujours

Besoin De l’extincteur

Elle cuisine pour m’faire plaisir

Elle attend avant de se servir

La tienne s’bourre la face

Avant de s’enfuir


Ma belle-mère

est meilleure que la tienne

J’entends dire que la tienne

est une chienne

Elle prend soin

De tous mes besoins

Ta belle-mère a juste l’air

D’un babouin


Il faut que je m’arrête

Belle-mère n’est pas parfaite

Elle peut lâcher des gros gros pêtes!


Ma belle-mère aime me plaire

Elle nettoie le frigidaire

La tienne a aucun



Ma belle-mère emmène les p’tits au Tim

La tienne commet les pires des crimes

Il faut parfois que tu

Les réaniment


Ma belle-mère

est meilleure que la tienne

J’entends dire que la tienne

est une chienne

Elle prend soin

De toux mes besoins

Ta belle-mère a juste l’air

D’un babouin


Ma belle-mère

est meilleure que la tienne

J’en prends soin

Parce-qu’elle en vaut

la peine