
Maren’s Thirtieth Birthday

I was settled in to an evening on my own on Friday night as Vero was off to a reading of a new play that she’s taking part in. I decided to crack open a beer while perusing this week’s new comics that I had just picked up. This was going to be an excellent night to relax. Heck, I even put in a Hitchcock film (Shadow of A Doubt) to watch for awhile.

However, it was not meant to be as Vero showed up and let me know that her cousing Melissa was coming over to watch a film. A whirlwind of tidying up the house occurred just in time for Melissa to show up. I didn’t mind at all…we had some fun chatting it up for a few hours.

On Saturday, I awoke and watched The Notebook. Now, ladies out there, you’re probably saying “Yes! Palmer has a romantic side! I can’t believe he wakes up on a Saturday morning to watch The Notebook!” Guys out there are screaming “What the heck man?!”. I had downloaded the film since Vero and Melissa would probably want to watch it last night, but in the end, no film was shown so I figured I should at least watch what Holly has proclaimed as the ‘greatest love story ever’. I also knew Rachel McAdams was in it. Meow. Foxy lady.

The film itself deals with some classic themes amongst romance stories…poor guy meets rich girl, falls in love over a summer, but then rich girl’s mom doesn’t want to her to waste her life on a poor guy, rich dad is indifferent as long as she’s happy. They separate, he writes to her, rich mom intercepts letters, they don’t see each other for years, rich girl gets engaged, rediscovers poor guy and you’ll have to read the novel/watch the film to find out what happens next. See? See what I did right there? I probably described a multitude of love stories right there.

Anyhow, half way through the film, I felt the need to make pancakes for Vero who was still sleeping. Yes, that’s right, The Notebook renkindled some romance into this gentleman’s heart. Luckily, the pancakes turned out alright (as I am not one to know what to do in the kitchen. Heck, I was worried that without any eggs, the pancakes would have been ruined!) and all was good in the world.

I then headed out to Costco (aka the Zoo) to pick up a gift for Maren as it was her birthday on Saturday. Her thirtieth birthday in fact. I am going to assume that she has done a lot of thinking in the past week about her life in general and what she has accomplished within the first thirty years of her life. I’m hoping she is quite sastisifed with where she’s at!

Vero and I headed to the Chateau Laurier where Maren and Allan-Paul had rented a room for friends to have some wine before heading out to a restaurant. The room was packed and the wine was a flowing. In fact, I witnessed the largest bottle of wine I have ever seen in my life. Maren’s father had purchased this behemoth of a bottle. I was surprised we got through it all. Maren also brought out some Chateau Pipeau wine which was the wedding gift that Vero and I bought her and Allan-Paul a few years back. She said it was the first time she was cracking one of the bottles. I must admit it was quite amazing. Bordeaux FTW!

The rest of the night was spent at the Metropolitaine Brasseries which is next to the Chateau Laurier. I had some excellent coq au vin (which is chicken in wine) and Vero had the salmon. All in all, we were impressed with the place…heck, they even had some Mill Street beer on hand for us. Shenanigans ensued as we sat along with fellow Northerners at our end of the table where we traded insults about our respective hometowns.

Looking for some more fun to have, we headed back to the hotel room where we were promptly kicked out due to noise (wasn’t it only 10:30?) and we went searching for somewhere else to have a drink. We ended up acquiring a board room which on one was using. By the time I left, no one had kicked us out so I can only imagine the party went on all night after Vero and I left.

All in all, an excellent night out for Maren’s thirtieth birthday celebration! Thanks for the invite and I hope you had a wonderful time.

Sunday morning brought me from my slumber and I put the Christmas lights up. I can’t seem to find the extension cord I usually use so for the moment, they have no electricity. Granted, I refuse to plug in lights before December 1. I also proceeded to start cleaning out the garage but then I twisted my leg awkwardly (I had done the same thing while assembling the BBQ a few weeks back) and couldn’t move around too much so I decided it was a sign to relax for the rest of the day. Vero had gone to work for a bit and was going to the Lady Gaga concert with her sister so the house was mine. The afternoon/evening consisted of reading some comics, eating a feed of moose meat and catching up on some Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I’m trying to finish up the final season but I find it hard considering I know the show got cancelled so I’m wondering what’s the point? Either way, it shall get done!

All in all, a busy weekend. Everything is starting to ramp up…Christmas gifts need to be purchased, Christmas party needs to be organized (second Saturday of December people!) and we have guests coming over this coming weekend which will undoubtedly involve a massive cleanup of the house. Joy.