
Mayoral Woes

Now, here’s a little note for Mike, who, if he managed to remember to vote, he would have voted for Larry O’Brien and I want to hold that above his head for the next four years (mayoral terms are 4 years, right?)

So, first of all, he ends up kiboshing our beloved O-Train. No wait, before that, he accepts a pay raise. May as well get the raise before starting the hard work right? Ya have to get primed to give it your all while being mayor! I personally work better when someone pays me up front with a beer. “What’s that, you need a lawn mowed? Pass me a beer and I’m on it!”

One of his election promises was a zero tax hike. Now, let’s be honest here Palmer’s World readers. When someone is running for any sort of office, you should be smart enough to know that they can’t guarantee anything. I almost feel bad for these unsavoury rogues spewing out “No tax hikes!” “Food for the starving!” “Wii’s for all the 30-year old children this Christmas!” when they don’t know what the heck is going on in the accounting side of things. Look at our beloved Premier McGuinty. Who would have thought that once he got in there, he realized there was something he didn’t know about and so he couldn’t hold some election promises? (citation needed)

So, on one hand, I feel people are stupid if they actually vote for someone because they scream ‘no tax hike!’, but at the same time, politicians should know better to take advantage of the stupid people out there. If you are one of those people I am blatantly calling stupid, please do the following research for me:

Take a look at any sort of office that people run for and determine how many election promises the winner keeps for…let’s say the past 3 terms. I’d be interested in finding this stuff out! Clearly, if the election promises never pan out, then we all know that I can run for an office of some sort next time around and have a sweet four years of my life collecting some great cash. I wonder if there is a vote of no-confidence in town hall? Then we’d have an Emperor running amuck and we don’t want that.

That’s Palmer’s “Factually Devoid of any Sources” Rant du jour. Here’s to Mike who is now trying to squirm his way out of the whole Larry O’Brien voting thing by saying “Well, yeah, but I didn’t know he was going to accept a raise as soon as he got in office! Good thing I didn’t vote!”

Good thing indeed. 😉

2 replies on “Mayoral Woes”

Stephen Harper is trying to go back on his election promise of not taxing income trusts. I don’t actually own any, so this isn’t relevant to my life, but I bet there were a lot of pissed off Calgarians…

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