

And on the seventh day God ended his work which He had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made (Gen. 2:2-3).

And on this seventh day as God rested, he looked around and said “I am hungry.” and he created lunch meat for his killer sandwich. We’re talking five layers of good lunch meat.

Then years later, Moses came around and produced the Fifteen Commandments, and the eleventh one stated:

“Thou shall not throw out your roommate’s lunch meat while you are throwing out thine own. Especially if you proclaim to thyself “Huh, I don’t remember buying ham.” Very especially if you don’t even open the package to give it the smell test.”

The results of breaking this rule may have your roommate having to go out to buy some more lunch meat for his lunch in the morning. This involves going out in the cold bitter night after not only a hard day of work, but a hard day of class and then he has to sit in his freakin’ cold car and it only warms up by the time you pull into the driveway. On the bright side, the car was warm when I had to go back out to get some lunch meat. There is always a silver lining people.

Let this be a lesson Michael. 😉

iplaying: Everyday I have The Blues – B.B. King – 1949-1966 King of the Blues

15 replies on “Meat”

So, God created Man and animals, and on the 7th day, he decided,

I think I should slaughter my animals to make some food, And now we are unfortunately lacking in the best lunch meat ever, because God was hungry, and ate the best tasting animals for his sandwitch.

Also, I don’t understand your 4th paragraph…

Did you go out and get lunch meat, warm up your car, then decide to go out and get lunch meat again with a warm car?

No. He comes home from work, and just as he pulls in the driveway, the car is starting to get warm. So that sucks.

But then he needs to get lunchmeat! But luckily, the car is warm

Does not thou have labels for ones lunch meat? or personalized containers…maybe a monogramed lunch bag might be a good Christmas Gift..remember to pack your meat in a bag young man hahaha…maybe separate fridges might be next

For the RECORD. I was cleaning out the fridge as there was some stuff in there that was starting to move. Ryan and I had a conversation a little while ago where he said that all the old meat in there was mine and that he didn’t have anything in it. I got rid of the meat I knew was mine and I looked for a date on the ham. The only date I could see was a few days old and I assumed it to be the best before date and that I why I threw it out. The date on the ham and your telling me all that meat was mine is why I threw it out.

In order to avoid this problem in the future though I think that I will leave the fridge cleaning up to you from now on 🙂

Hahah…let’s be honest. I am now going to say to everyone that I know it’s an honest mistake. There was no ill intention (That I am aware of!!!)

For a topic that warrants little in the way of conversation it sure has stirred the POT ! now Ryan have you marked your meat with a felt pen …to identify your meat from others….and hidden the keys to the car….
BTW well said pollcrazy

Hardy har.

Clearly the way to numerous comments is the path which offers a humourous story with an underlying social issue.

All I have to say is that I totally understand Mike’s move. If you would know the stuff we can find in that fridge sometimes… I’m still having nightmares!!!

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