
Meeting of the Minds

Last night, Mike and Rob picked me up from Vero’s and we headed over to Pub Italia on Preston.  What a great pub with a great selection of beers.  We met up there with Matt, Carrie and Joe who was in town for training all this week.

It was good to see these guys again…the Algonquin Alumni group if you will.  Nothing earth-shattering occurred during the night but I had some good Classico pizza filled with olives and Rob and I discovered we shared an appreciation for Erdinger wheat beer from Germany.  What a great tasting nectar of the Gods!

The weekend ahead of me is wide open.  I am planning on hitting up Home Depot tonight for their ‘Ultimate Flooring Event’ sale to pick up some laminate for the main level fo the house.  I have asked a few people about their knowledge and opinions of laminate flooring and I hope to find a decent deal tonight.  I doubt I will install it anytime soon (considering I don’t even live at the house anymore!) but I’m sure I can find a weekend to do it in the future.

Other than that, I’m hoping that the ski boots I seemingly have acquired will show up today, but there are no guarantees.  Turns out a colleague of mine’s office mate had a pair that I could snag so I’m waiting for them to bring them to work.  Hopefully it’s soon!

Here‘s an article to read.  It’s about a woman who walks 18km each way to get to work during the Transit strike here in Ottawa.  That’s a six hour walk people.