
Memory: Bad Hair in Grade Nine

So today Krista noticed some white gunk in my hair. It was the stuff I put in my hair, but usually it’s fine.

Turns out that last week while golfing, I left my bag in the hot, hot car and the stuff melted into some random paste like substance. It’s not bad, but sometimes there are chunks that just don’t get rubbed into the hair and they stick out like bad dandruff. Doh!

This brought back a memory of me back in Grade Nine science class. Back in Grade Nine, let’s just say I wasn’t the most popular dudes in school (that subsequently happened in Grade Eleven when I was the Ladies Man. To those people who read this blog and are from KDHS, stop laughing now. Carol, I’m looking at you!), so in an effort to be cool I decided to try and style my hair a little to get rid of the cowlicks.

Well…that ended badly when some kid was talking to me and then said “Ryan, what the heck is in your hair?” and then they proceeded to laugh at the fact that there was this giant solidified glob of stuff in the front of my hair. Then everyone else decided to laugh also. Ah, the beauty of high school. I think at that point I said screw it to styling my hair and started growing it out.

4 replies on “Memory: Bad Hair in Grade Nine”

I just went on a trip down memory lane with that blog…

I remember for a while there was this coloured styling past you could put in your hair to give it that edgy look. Among the various colours was white…

Except that white looked a little less edgy and a lot more like bird droppings.

The only person dumb enough not to notice was called Brigitte so we proceeded to call her Birdshit through most of high school and to this day when I see her it is a fight to push that name out of my brain and say Bonjour Brigitte…

More proof why high school sucks and people are mean

I seek comfort in the fact that the “coolest” people from high school are now pumping gas.

Low Blow… I was not overly cool or mean in high school… that is why I am such a well rounded almost adult… 🙂

Let the record show that I have a kick ass job… I get paid to travel…

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