
Memory: First Autograph

I heard this conversation on the radio this morning and thought it was an interesting conversation topic.

What was the first autograph you ever got?

I will admit that after I thought about it, I don’t even know if I have ever personally got an autograph from a famous person!

I remember my mom meeting James Doohan (Beam me up Scotty!) at Casey’s Bar and Grill and getting his autograph for me on a fridge magnet. That was great.

The greatest story I have of an autograph is when I was scouring the Smashing Pumpkins albums at HMV (why would I do that every time I’m in there if I already owned all of them?) and stumbled upon a Tonight, Tonight CD Single which mysteriously had Billy Corgan’s autograph on it. I can’t remember if I picked it up right there and then, or went to the Internet to confirm if it looked like his signature…I’m going to assume that I took the plunge and nabbed it right there and then.

I get to the cash and the guy working there says “Huh! That’s strange…this must be the manager’s copy that Billy had signed in the store a few years back.” Fear entered my body thinking “I must have this CD!”. The guy didn’t even bother asking his manager, he just sold it to me for $12.

Awesome! In my hands was an autographed CD from Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins. A good day, indeed.

So what was your first autograph?

One reply on “Memory: First Autograph”

I believe my first autograph was in Gaspe at the Wakeham festival (Is that what it’s called!!??). I was thirteen years old (boy do I feel old!). Montreal Canadiens player and former coach Mario Tremblay was there. I was and still am a huge Habs fan, so I was able to speak with him, shake his hand, and he gave me his autograph which I still have.

Another memorable one for me was meeting my childhood hero Guy Lafleur. I was speechless!!

And finally, I kick myself for the autograph that should have been but wasn’t. Meeting Steven Tyler and the boys from Aerosmith on Queen Street in Toronto. They were all great to talk to, and were on a “day off”, so after I spoke with them for ten minutes, I didn’t feel I should trouble them anymore by asking them for an autograph.

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