
Mike G

I have a friend and his name is Mike. But because there are numerous Mike’s in our lives, we ended up calling him Mike G (well, at least this is what I assume to be the story…perhaps there is actually a grand story of how he was bestowed with this name which involves the Playboy Mansion, a dragon, and three wishes). His blog is here.

Now, I must admit that this is probably a pretty uncommon name to be touting around.

At lunch the other day, Krista mentions Mike G.

Me: “Wait, you know Mike G?!”
Krista: “Uh, yeah. He was your partner during euchre.”
Me: “Whaaa? I have a friend called Mike G!”

So there you have it folks. Two Mike Gs in this metropolis we live in. Do they share the same qualities? Well, they both dress nice and are lady-killers. So that would be an affirmative.

iplaying: Rough N’ Tumble Come Down – Matt Mays (…When The Angels Make Contact)

6 replies on “Mike G”

I don’t really have anything to add to this discussion. I just wanted to point out that due to some glitch, I can actually comment from work today! huzzah!

I would have to say that I am the best MikeG out there. After all I find things (see Mel’s blog) and I have the patented finger look.


I have to agree with Mike G. and Artoo, our Mike G. is the best Mike G. out there! He’s so big and strong and good looking too!

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