
Mike’s Birthday

Last night after a grueling day of training at work along with my regular class at U of O, I headed out to Mike’s place for his surprise birthday party (not roommate Mike).

When I arrived I noticed the lights were off which tipped me off that Mike had not arrived yet which scared me because I didn’t want to be in his driveway when he showed up!

In the end, he was surprised, everyone was happy and cake was served. Along with pizza and sushi. It was a good night to chat with a bunch of people I haven’t seen in awhile (like Jen! When’s the last time I saw her?!). I heard tales of the upcoming Hallowe’en party, the quest for our Ghostbusters costume ONCE AGAIN falling through the cracks, and a review of the wagon ride to Saunders Farm (which I’ll have to try someday).

I’m sure Mike had a great time and fun times were had. Heck, you can’t go wrong with people showing up for your birthday.

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