
Mini Reviews

In a world where we are what we buy (oh there comes my Theories of Communications class), here’s a little taste of things that have piqued my interest in the last while.

Pearl Jam – Pearl Jam: The new self-titled album is good. Pick it up.

Tool – 10,000 Days – Wow. The first Tool album where I can say that it’s not as good as the last one. Still a worthy buy, but meh. It feels like a watered down Lateralus (that’s their last album for people who are saying “Whaaa?”)
Grey’s Anatomy (TV Show): Mike got me into this show. I’m diggging it. I lost interest in ER a few years back so this is my replacement. Also, House is good also.

Alias: Oh man, Alias is getting good towards the series end. Watch it now!

BBQ Sausages: We’re not talking about Johnsonville here people…go to the butcher counter to buy your sausages from now on. It only cost me an extra $1.58. That’s what I will now refer to as “The Price of Happiness”.

On turning 30 years old: Alright, I cannot really review this topic, but a few of my friends are turning 30 this week and they are distressed. Being of 27 in age, I feel this is silly. But maybe in 3 years I’ll be eating my words when I start to lose my mental stability.

What can I say about turning 30? Well…I know that society seems to have put this magic number of 30 as the number in which ‘if you haven’t got it all together, you’re screwed’. Let’s go take a trip down the hall of greeting cards for a moment. Oh, there it is! If a greeting card has your age on it, you know it must be important somehow. I predict in 15 years, the greeting card industry will have covered off every number from 1 – 100.

What else can I say about turning 30? Well, I know that nowadays, my generation seems to put more emphasis on putting off responsibility in the form of settling down. More and more people stay in school longer and longer. Or they choose to travel a little more while they are young (aka before the age of 99 years of age where it’s nearly impossible to board the plane with your walker.)

I applaud this new extended way of living life. Yay! These are great times people!

So, I will agree that a generation ago, by 30 years old, you should have a mate by 20 years old, 7 kids by the age of 25 and were on the way to your retirement.

But we’re living in the new world here people. 30 is like being the old 23. Chances are, you’re going to live until you’re 80. That means that you still have more than enough time to do whatever it is you want to do.

And if you can’t even figure out what it is that you want to do, don’t worry about that either. No one ever said we all have to have it figured out. Heck, I don’t even know. Just because I own a house doesn’t mean anything. It means I have a place to sleep at night. That’s it, that’s all.

What’s my main message today? Whatever your age, go out and have a beer on a patio today. That’s what I’ve been trying to say all along.

3 replies on “Mini Reviews”

what’s with the avacado on the pearl jam album. Is there a song about avacado on there? If not, you should demand a refund and sue for misrepresentation.

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