
Misanthropic Misenchanted Youth

So every time I get a question pertaining to my life from an e-mail (mostly from Robyn) I figure, I may as well write about it in my blog to update everyone.

School: So far, so good. Great actually. Just got a mid-term back…70%. Not the best in the world, but I felt better after the Professor said the average was 65% and that is consistent with every year he teaches.

Query: Why the heck wouldn’t he just make it a tad more easier so students can get a better mark? Shouldn’t he try and make the tests so someone can potentially get in the 90s?

Received my essay back from the other class and received a cool 78%. Nice. I’m on a roll. Next up, must sign up for two other classes for the Winter term. Vero kept saying I should sign up before they all fill up in which I just procrastinated. Now I don’t know if I’ll get the section I want. D’oh! I’ll see if Vero can work her Ottawa U magic like last time. This time around, I want to take classes on Monday and Tuesday. I found that Tuesday and Thursdays broke up my week too much and that I haven’t had much stability in the social/housing/getting groceries department. We’ll see how back-to-back classes treats me.

Next up: A research essay that I think I’m going to swing for both classes. Two birds, one stone, right?

Star Wars: Where would this blog be without Star Wars? Episode III came out on DVD yesterday. I am very excited to check out the documentaries and deleted scenes. I, myself did not purchase it as I am holding out for a great box set in the future. However, I did manage to find a great bootleg copy on Somerset St. for $10. That will hold me over for the time being.

Got the Art of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith book yesterday in the mail. It’s my first ‘Art of’ book…looks pretty cool! I am enjoying seeing how a design morphs into a final product. There is also a screenplay inside that I will take a look at since it has some extra scenes (such as Qui-Gon talking with Yoda about living on through the Force.)

Other than that, go check out the wild Hallowe’en costumes on the photo gallery!

nowplaying: Jackboot by the Smashing Pumpkins (Billy’s Gravity Demos I)

3 replies on “Misanthropic Misenchanted Youth”

Favourite photo:
Alex and Véro dancing while leaving enough room for the ‘Holy Spirit’. (catholic school joke)

Straight out of ND.

Oh Napoleon!

Isn’t that picture the funiest thing!? ha! Love it!

I actually put it as my background picture.

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