
Movember – The Home Stretch!

Let’s chat a little about Movember, shall we?

So far, the PaLoLa Brewmeisters (pictured above) have obtained $2,071 collectively.  That is a great, great achievement, but it’s shy of our goal of $2,500 for the entire team.

We’re in our final week which means that our ‘staches are in full force at this point (well, for most of us!).  There have been some great events on my side of the world:

– The Mo’Sistas from work put on a bake sale for Movember.  I believe the final tally is around the $80 mark.  Thanks Mo’Sistas!

– The PaLoLa Brewmeisters held a fundraising party last Saturday (where the above picture was taken after a few beers consumed).  It was a good turnout and we made a chunk of change.  I personally had a great time making the ‘Famous Moustaches from History’ pictures that were around the house…pictures of Burt Reynolds, Ned Flanders and Tom Selleck were strewn about the house.

– This coming Saturday will be a fundraising concert at Aunt Dinah’s.  Sorry – Invite only!  But it should be a grand old time.

So with this being the final week, if you haven’t done so already and are planning to do so, please donate some hard-earned cash to the Movember campaign!  Let’s make this a year to remember!  I’m a little shy of my $1,000 donation goal so let’s make the final push!

Thanks to everyone!

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