
My Battle with the Red-Winged Blackbird

More commonly known as the Agelaius phoeniceus (who am I kidding…who uses these words?), this little fellow has been hopping to and from the cars in the park and ride lot for the past few weeks.

At first, I thought “Hey, that’s pretty neat. A bird who actually hops around on the mirrors and hoods of a car. It looks like it’s trying to get its reflection!” This bird doesn’t even bother flying around. Perhaps it is wounded somewhat?

Then when the bus pulled out today and I looked back at my car, I noticed the bird had moved to my car and then I realized this is where all this bird shit is coming from every day on my car.

Red-winged blackbird, you’re going down! I’m thinking of putting some glue on the mirrors.

In other bird news, Mom was saying how she heard some morning doves near my house when she up here…turns out there is a morning dove nest right next to the neighbour’s door. The bird stays there constantly as it is protecting its eggs. Craziness. I live in a zoo!

At least the rabbits seem to have disappeared…

6 replies on “My Battle with the Red-Winged Blackbird”

hmmm….I wouldn’t be too sure about those rabbits! Maybe they have’t fully come out of bunny-hibernation???

I dare you to plant a vegetable garden this summer!

Ryan says the rabbits have “disappeared”… but I noticed a bunch of rabbits’ feet lined up along the front entrance to his house. It’s pretty suspicious with all the luck he’s had over the past little while — concert wins, making profit on oversized bbq covers, etc….

Those are awesome looking birds though!!

Maybe you could put a dog or cat in your car… that oughta scare the bird off!

Then again, that might be a little cruel… Ya, probably best to scrap my plan.

Are you telling me that the “rabbit soup” will now be replaced by the “red-winged blackbird soup”?

Man, I was just getting used to the rabbit stuff…..

I have tried and tried to tell you guys that birds are evil and everyone just looks at me like I am a little off. Well, I am glad someone else is finally seeing the light!

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