
My FaceBook Weekend

Friday Night – Met Wayne at the party…

Wayne: Are you on FaceBook?
Me: No.
Wayne: Me neither! But everyone is asking me if I am…like I’m their friend or something! Once I say ‘no’ they just leave me in the dust.
Me: It’s like we are oppressed.

Saturday Night – Carrie on the computer
Carrie: So it just keeps track of all your contacts and friend’s contacts and whatnot…
Me: It is actually a pretty neat system.

Sunday Afternoon – Matt contacts me on MSN.
Matt: Are you on FaceBook yet?
Me: No.
Matt: What’s your birth date?
Me: (insert my birth date here.) You should know this Matt.
(insert random other chats for the next few minutes until this appears)
Matt: What would you say is your primary email address.
Me: Primary email address? What the heck…Matt, are you signing me up for FaceBook?!
Matt: Yeah, you see if I tag my pictures with your name, then I can click on it and it goes to your profile.
Me: But I don’t want a profile. This is identity theft!
Matt: Technically it’s not until I actually use your profile. Look, I’m sending it to your email. Just accept the profile and never look at it again but then I get to have cool tagged profiles on my pictures.
Me: I have the upper hand. I have just deleted the email.
Matt: What? No! Argh. Now I will have to actually go make a profile for you and use it.
Me: Hence, the identity theft.

(this exchange is heavily paraphrased from memory)

Anyhow, there you have it. A piece of social networking software has infiltrated my life during each day of the weekend. And I don’t even use it.

I especially love how we were oppressed at the Friday night party. If you want to really network socially, be prepared to do it in person people. It was honestly the lamest thing I have ever seen when someone wouldn’t bother talking to us because we didn’t have a FaceBook profile.

11 replies on “My FaceBook Weekend”

I came, I saw, I moved on.

Totally cool for those who are into it but It’s not my thing.


lol, oppressed?

If people are talking about the sens, and you don’t have a clue who the sens are… then those people are oppressing you?

I still think you should try out facebook, I think you would like it.

At this point I realize it is a futile effort though.

hahahaha that’s funny! I don’t meet people and ask if they have Facebook and then stop talking to them! hahaha.

I think he is just miffed that he did find it first and tell the rest of us! He’ll come around in time.

I love how sometimes Matt’s analogies are amazingly in context…and then sometimes not. 😉

I’m glad pollcrazy made an appearance! It shows that he has not been eaten by a polar bear yet!

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