

For awhile now, as I’ve been searching deal sites like or and they always advertise this website.

I decided to peruse their wares as I am in need of some blank DVDs and CDs.

Well, I was in for a pleasant surprise! I managed to score the following items:

  • 50 CD-Rs for $5.99
  • 100 DVD-Rs for $27
  • 2 96 Disc Carrying Cases at $4 a pop.

Not too shabby at all. Perhaps there are better deals out there for the DVD-Rs that I would have found if I would have spent the time searching, but I figured the CDs and carrying cases were a steal of a deal and a quick look into other stores showed 100 DVD-Rs for $27 was a fair price.

Anyhow, I haven’t received them yet so I can’t comment on their prompt service, but I’m sure I will be checking out this store in the future if I need anything!

iplaying: You Say – Vertical Horizon (Everything You Want)

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