

All Hail the Spudtrooper!

To join the ranks of Darth Tater in my office, I stumbled upon this gem at the grocery store for $10. Sweet! It even has its own masher of a weapon!

I was telling Jennie that if I wanted to show off that I’m a true geek, then I would be getting legitimate statues of the sorts and putting them on display at work…but the Mr. Potato Head series is just a fun item that hides my true geekdom.

This reminds me of how Vero’s family dropped by my place to check it out and her dad made some comments on my Matrix and Star Wars figures on top of my book shelf. 10 years ago, I would have been quite embarassed, but now, I thrive on these comments as Vero herself contributed to the collection.

2 replies on “New In Office: SPUDTROOPER!”

Yeah, you should feel lucky… I don’t think I’ll contribute to your geekness anymore though… what I gave you that time was my first and last contribution to that geekyness.

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