
New Music

Mark (guy I work with) just passed me some new tunes to listen to.  Right now I’m absorbed in Airbourne which are quite clearly, the new generation’s AC/DC.  It’s quite uncanny how much they sound like them.  Even the singer!  It’s quite rocking.  I’ve also got some Michael Franti to listen to later in the day.

I also checked out Los Campesinos!, Malajube, The Dears, and some CBC Radio 3 all weekend long while studying.  Very excellent tunes going through my head.

My thoughts right now are all about my final exam on Thursday and the trip to BC coming up this Saturday.  I had forgotten to call Aeroplan to ask them why they switched my seat number (which was next to my cousin).  Hopefully they will switch it back for me.

Other thoughts look towards next week with a slew of guest writers coming to this website to give you their best.  I have no idea what they will write about but I sure hope they actually DO write SOMETHING over the next week and a half and don’t just pile in here one day and leave it empty for the remaining week.  I also hope that you find it entertaining.  I have opened up some floodgates to people to contribute, but also feel that every one of my friends have something of interest to share.  That’s why they are my friends (I don’t hang out with uninteresting people!).

Can I also point out that I enjoy a nice hot day with a bbq hot dog by my side?  Vero and I threw some on the other day at lunch and it was amazing.  The simplicity of a good hot dog astounds me.  Props go to Mom’s way of doing hot dogs as she fries the buns in a pan and they come out a-ok.