
New (Old) Star Wars Editions

Let’s talk a little about everyone’s favourite subject – Star Wars.

You may not know it, but tomorrow the original trilogy is being re-released on DVD in a LIMITED EDITION format with the 2004 edition (with all the new bells and whistles) along with (for the first time on DVD), the ORIGINAL untouched versions that you would have saw in the theatre back in the 70s.

Now, everyone and their grandmother (except for you Nanny!) have been asking for the original versions to be released on DVD at some point.

But you know what? They aren’t even touching them up to make them look decent. With the re-release of the movies back in 2004, they went through frame by frame and redid the sound, the picture, everything!

Personally, I dig the new versions. However, I know there are a few things missing from the new versions which I wish they would have kept. Oh Wolfman in the Cantian scene, where art thou?

Anyhow, back to my public service annoucement. Don’t bother getting this set unless you are so die-hard of a fan that you need everything that is Star Wars. Here’s a little gem of information that people may not know – 30th Anniversary of Star Wars next year. Can we say a NEW BOX SET of all the movies? Chances are, that’s what’s going to happen.

So why bother spending the $75 now for all three movies just to get the original craptacular versions as a bonus feature? Why not save that money and get the new editions that will most likely have the prequel trilogy redone?

Just wanted to put the thought in your head for those who are interested in getting these movies coming out tomorrow. Make sure you know what you’re purchasing.

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